Interfaith Winter Blesssing

These are the gifts of this season, let us open our hearts to them: A....

Tainted: Not the Grand Transition We Would Hope

[caption id="attachment_3873" align="alignright" width="300"] Image from....

On the 150th Anniversary of Juneteenth: In the Shadow of Mother Emmanuel AME

[caption id="attachment_3676" align="alignright" width="357"] photo by Chuck....

Abundance Scooped from Abundance: Reflections on Myanmar

homily delivered today at First Parish Church of Groton There is a line from....

Interfaith Prayer for Crossing Borders

I delivered this prayer was offered as part of daily chapel held today at....

The Shared World: Lessons In Joy and (Dis)Comfort (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton Karen G. Johnston, Ministerial Intern (audio....

Books for Burma (or is it Myanmar?)

In just over a month, I depart for Burma.  Or Myanmar.  Same....

Homily at Interfaith Iftar, July 19, 2014

[caption id="attachment_2986" align="alignleft" width="300"] one breaks the....

This Memorial Day: The Milk of Impermanence and a Soldier’s Tattoo

I spent this Memorial Day the best way I ever have: with a motley crew of....

Beginner's Mind and Dis-orientation to CPE: A New Beginning

Today was the second day of my first experience of Clinical Pastoral Education.....